Welcome to the first installment of Drink 'n Songs, in which, in order to maximize enjoyment of a beloved (likely alcoholic) beverage, I pair it with a group of five or so songs. I've been kicking around this idea for a couple of years now and figured Christmas would be the best time to get off of my duff* and unveil it.
And the beverage for this inaugural installment of DNS? Eggnog!
Now, you can go out and buy premade eggnog from a store - might I suggest Southern Comfort's go at it? - and mix it with your choice of spiced rum, Irish whiskey, brandy, or bourbon. Or if you're feeling your oats, you can make your own from scratch. Per the Behind the Bar Show podcast, here's a recipe:
4 eggs
2 oz simple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground allspice
3 cups milk
grated nutmeg
Whisk eggs until frothy. Whisk in simple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon and allspice. While still whisking, slowly add the milk. Serve in Irish Coffee glasses or mugs. Sprinkle nutmeg on top. Feel free to spike with rum or whiskey.
Got your eggnog all ready? Good. Just what songs would enhance the pleasure of consuming this Yuletide drink? Look no further! Actually, you will have to scroll down to see them...
1. The Minus 5 - "Your Christmas Whiskey"
"Christmas is the warmest time of year" is the repeated theme of this song by the Minus 5 and they are right. This is a time for sharing with family and friends, so pour them a mug of eggnog and let the warm fuzzies inside you grow.
2. Duke Ellington - "Sugar Rum Cherry"
You're sitting around the house, listening to the same old Christmas songs and the rage swells when Wham! shuffles onto your playlist. It's high time you class up the joint with this smokey take on "The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy". And rum is in the title, so it kinda sorta is mandated that it be included in this list.
3. John Legend with Stephen Colbert - "Nutmeg"
Face it: eggnog is the most sensual of the holiday beverages. So, put the kids to bed, ladle out a couple of glasses, and get freaky with your loved one while John Legend ushers you through the quiet (snow) storm.
4. The Decemberists - "Please Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas)"
While eggnog is one of the best things about the holiday season, you don't want to overdo it. You'll be regretting it when a fight inevitably breaks out during your party. Let the Decemberists' cover of this John Denver staple serve as a reminder that this drink is best enjoyed in moderation. (Plus, overindulgence will result in your "fat pants" becoming your "regular pants".)
5. The Morning Squirrels - "The Eggnog Song"
This is a bit of nepotism on my part, since this is a song my brother composed and performed back around 2005. Yes, it may be a little on the nose for this list, but it really lays out the eggnog-fueled joys of the holiday season (with assists from Charlie Brown and Linus).
So there you have it. Put these songs on the hi-fi in your space age bachelor pad, kick back with a mighty mug of nog, and revel in the waning days of the year. Merry Christmas!
*Duff beer! There's an idea for a future edition. Brilliant.