X-Men: The Last Stand: Astute readers of MW know that I have an inner comic book geek, so imagine my excitement when spydrz produced some free tickets to last night's showing of the new X-men flick. Did it deliver? Yep. Kelsey Grammer was perfectly cast as the Beast (Frasier's got mad ups, yo). Once again, Ian McKellen's Magneto steals every scene he's in. Colossus was always one of my favorite mutants (along with the sorely missed Nightcrawler), so it was great to see him, even if he wasn't used to his fullness in this movie. And Vinnie Jones as the Juggernaut* - aw, yeah. Dark Phoenix on screen? Sentinels? Nice. Sure, some of the choices made in this film annoyed the fanboy in me (they made Juggernaut a mutant?), but this was one heck of a summer popcorn flick.
*Somehow, the whole "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch" internet phenomenon eluded me. Check out how it was utilized in the actual movie here.