Step Brothers: Although uneven at times, this was an overall funny movie...but only if you find Will Ferrell's standard loud manchild shtick funny (luckily, I do). Ferrell and John C. Reilly prove once again to be a good comedy pairing, feeding off of each other's absurd and crude improvs. The fact that this movie provided so many laughs was especially refreshing after the dreadful Semi-Pro (but I did find Reilly's previous comedy - the extremely underrated Walk Hard - hilarious). In true Apatow fashion, there are some funny lines in the trailer that didn't make it into the final cut (most noticeably, Ferrell's "He'll never find out" when he attempts to bury Reilly alive). Oh, and there's a little something extra after the credits.
Ah, the Chewie mask...
"It's okay that mine's not movie quality."
"It's so slippery!"
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