A month or two ago I was extremely close to getting something that I've been wanting for ages: a seersucker suit. Unfortunately, this particular men's clothier I was going to get it from offered such a deal that they were all sold out by the time I made up my mind to make a purchase. So I settled on a pair of seersucker pants from Old Navy. I wore them last weekend for UR's reunion picnic and revelled in the knowledge that I was 5 degrees cooler than everyone else (or at least my lower half was).
Unfortunately, I was not sipping on a mint julep at the time.
I do declare!
Careful there. You're treading awfully close to offending my honor. And we all know what happens then.
talk to me when you get the suit.
I have had one for years. The ladies love it. Except for my wife.
steve - Oh, you'll know when I get it. Then we'll REALLY be rolling large down in Savannah. What's the appropriate hipster-approved footwear one wears with such a suit? Pumas?
wh1skeylover - How'd you end up marrying the one woman who doesn't swoon over a Southern Gentleman?
Wait, there are ladies who swoon over men in seersucker suits?
That's it! Pistols at dawn.
You wouldn't shoot a laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaydee, would you? *bats eyelashes*
Aw, Miss Srah. I was just funnin' ya. I could never, I say I could never harm a lady. Now, how's about I treat you to an RC Cola?
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