I've kinda sorta neglected this blog lately, so to get some more activity 'round these parts I'm starting a new feature: Pixelated Pigskin Prognostications*. Using the computing power of the Xbox 360 and my copy of NCAA Football 10, I'll run CPU vs. CPU games for Ohio State and defending
And if there's a big non-OSU/UR game that you'd like to know the outcome of beforehand, ask nicely and I just may pull the results out of the digital ether.
So, here is what I'm predicting for today:

Ohio State 84, Navy 10

Richmond 72, Duke 40
Okay, those aren't very realistic scores. I'll probably have to tinker with the difficulty setting, quarter length, and whatnot. Or maybe you should just divide each team's points by two and then round them to the nearest possible score. Or something. Until then, though, these are my predictions and I'm sticking with them.
*Hopefully, I can keep this up without getting bored or running out of time (each game takes about 2 hours to play; I just do something else while it's doing it's thing).
How do you predict Richmond would fare against, say, Ditka?
Alright, after da heart attack, I gotta say Ditka 17, Richmond 14. He just barely gets by.
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