Ah, Thanksgiving...and its accompanying days off. Perfect for some marathon viewing. At first, I thought I'd take in the Lord of the Rings epic, which I had planned on doing last year. But, man, that's one heck of a time commitment. So, I'm going to load up my Ultimate Matrix Collection this afternoon. I've got a case of Coke Zero, warmed up leftovers (homemade mac & cheese, fried oysters, stuffing), and a comfy couch. I vow to only take bathroom breaks in between movies. I'll keep you posted.
1:07 Commencing The Matrix. Whoa.
1:24 Computer programmers wear suits to work?
1:35 Cowboy Curtis!
1:49 I want those red leather chairs with the lion heads on the arm rests.
2:55 The trash had to go out, so I paused the movie. Now that The Rule has been broken, I guess that gives me carte blanche to use the loo whenever I want.
4:11 After a short break, I started The Matrix Reloaded.
4:23 Man, it's been a while since I've seen this movie, but those CGI shots of Neo flying through the air still look fake. But then, why wouldn't they? There is no spoon.
4:38 Can you smell the fromage? It's the Zion rave.
5:16 Mmmmm...Monica Bellucci.
6:23 Finished the second movie. I'm going to take a break. A much longer, multiple hour break.
10:55 Watched Inside Man and had some pizza on my hiatus; just now started The Matrix Revolutions.
11:14 Mmmm...Monica Bellucci.
12:55 My complaint with the third movie still stands: not enough time spent in the Matrix. Green tinting can polish even the stinkiest turd.
Neo...One...Oh, I get it now.
the great orgy seen super-de-luper-de sux! i think that's why nobody's really cared for the sequels. over-hyped trashbins.
but, more power to you, man.
Sure, the movies got progressively not-good, full of pseudo-philisophical ramblings and quasi-religious gobbledigook. But, boy, what eye candy.
Must be nice to have THAT much time. And to think, I wasted 3 hours studying dermatological and urinary tract pharmacology.
should have gone with LOTR. My buddy, El Rojo Grande, has done it...twice! The Matrix trilogy just ain't worth the time commitment.
Micah, I hope you've recovered sufficiently to sit and watch the USC-Notre Dame game. Rememberm if USC wins, the Buckaroos probaby won't have to deal with you-know-who again.
i would definitely second THSE there, buddy. if you're gonna go with promising, super-long, super-self-indulgent trilogies, can't top Jackson's Holy Triumphant.
that sounds like fun.
dubin - Hey, you chose to go to vet school. And I missed the USC game. I'd like to see OSU face them in the championship game because a) I don't like USC, b) they've already played Michigan, and c) they soundly whupped Notre Dame in last year's bowl game.
THSE - I'll probably do the LOTR thing in a few weeks. I always associate those movies with Christmas time because for three Decembers in a row those films were events. What can I say. Orcs and Ents bring out the child-like holiday glee.
jasdye - See above.
spydrz - Done.
Micah, I only came here because I have nothing better to do!
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