I've had my eyes on these lace-up driver shoes for some time now, but Land's End has been playing more games with my heart than the Backstreet Boys (They're in stock! They're out of stock! They're in stock! They're out of stock!). Well, I luckily found a window where I was able to throw money at the online retailer and order the shoes.
They arrived today and, while I still really dig the style, they could probably stand to be a half-size smaller than what I ordered. But I'm going to keep them because I don't want to go through the hassle of exchanging them (especially since said smaller size isn't currently in stock). I will remedy the problem by wearing thick socks and achieving a state of gellin'.
I feel that all of your effort should be rewarded with a comment.
So...hi. :)
(The shoes are hot)
Ha ha. Thanks. I just finished "gellin'" them up, actually. I'll probably wear them to work sometime this week.
Upon further inspection, the toe on the right shoe is a little bit scuffed (I'm guessing, since Land's End stock fluctuated so much, that these shoes are returns). But exchanging them would be a supreme hassle - if only Zappos carried these shoes. *Sigh*
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