Britney Spears has announced that she is knocked up. It is unclear as to whether Kevin is the baby-daddy.
Why am I picturing a shirtless, shoeless kid with a permanent Kool-Aid stain around its mouth...years from now?
I CANNOT WAIT until they pick a name. You just know that it will be ten times nuttier than "Apple."
While I don't consider myself a vengeful and bitter man, I get the impression this is her just reward for polluting my ears for so long.
kieran - You could be right. But it's going to be even worse when she "writes" songs about her baby. I'm dreading that.
kate - That's X-Tina, if you're nasty! Are they still rivals? I stopped following that after discovering Hilary Duff.
Can't wait to see those lovely pregger pics of her, with a cigarette hanging from her lip. She's such a class act, isn't she?
panthergirl - She went from cute jailbait in a catholic schoolgirl uniform to trailer trash going to a public restroom barefoot overnight, it seems.
You can take the girl out of Louisiana... (no offense, Captain Backfire)
KPMD - I wonder when the "Britney 'n' Kev Make a Baby" sex tape gets released?
Oh Micah, you have to check out the post on Go Fug Yourself
Micah, I'm afraid she started OUT as trailer trash...she had just cleaned up nicely for awhile. You can take the girl out of the double-wide...
KtG - I saw that on this message board that I frequent. The scary thing is, that's how she talks!
Ruben - I agree. The kid's doomed.
panthergirl - You're probably right. She just seemed like she had potential to be a regular ol' skank at 16, rather than one of the trailer park variety.
Oh geez. I hadn't even thought about what she'll name the poor kid. If it's a boy, my bet is Billy Joe Jim Bob.
I heard a long time ago that if she had a girl the name would be Aurora, because Sleeping Beauty is her favorite movie.
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