This week's Crush is another celebrity chef - Giada De Laurentiis, host of the Food Network's
Everyday Italian (a show with seemingly high production values - looks like it's shot on film, but I suspect it may be digital video). She is just SO...DAMN...CUTE! She's got that older Natalie Portman thing going on. Surprisingly, there's not many pictures of her on the 'net, so her cookbook cover will have to do.
Mama mia!She looks even better than this picture, but you make do with what you have. Giada gets bonus points for being the granddaughter of Dino De Laurentiis, producer of
Army of Darkness, among many other movies.
She is a crush of the week, for sure. I definitely see the older-Natalie thing going on there. I guess I need to watch that show more often. I usually end up watching the lady from Lady and Sons in Savannah, since I love lowcountry cooking and that restaurant.
As good a cook as Paula Dean is (her recipes look great and my mom's a big fan), she's just not attractive enough to be a Crush.
Yep, didn't your mom make something we had for T'giving?
As for Paula being a crush, I'd have to go with a NO also.
Her food always looks good (grilled pineapple with mascarpone and hazelnuts -- mmmmm) but I've got to say, her skinniness freaks me out. She's on the food network. She shouldn't look like a lollipop.
She's beautiful! Good job!
Are you a Nigella Lawson fan, too? I think she's hot. She actually looks like she eats, though, unlike this chick. ;)
panthergirl - Big fan of Nigella (in fact, she was one of my first Crushes). What an English tart!
Per Giada's interview with Amazon: How do you stay skinny when you're surrounded by all this food?
De Laurentiis: I don't overeat. I didn't grow up in a family where it was about stuffing your face. We ate really great food--rich food--you'll see there's food in my cookbook that's not low-fat by any means, and I'll be the first to tell you that. But we didn't overeat anything. You know, I'd have a little plate of pasta but I wouldn't eat a huge bowl. It's all about portion control.
Yeah, she's a bit skinnier than what I usually am attracted to and I would probably crush her...but I definitely wouldn't mind trying.
CB - Browsing the reviews of the cookbook on Amazon, some people thought it was cheesy to have 51 pictures of her in it. Hey, I have no problem with it. Sex sells - ESPECIALLY in the cut-throat cookbook business. Now, Mario Batali in a thong...I'd have to draw the line there.
Well, I think I'm late to the party on this one, but I am so glad y'all have mentioned how Giada is a speck of a girl. I mean really, she needs to eat a meatball sandwich.
I watch the Food Channel like some people watch porn. I am completely engrossed, I sometimes salivate and I have fantasies of making the same kind of fun.
Thumbs up on Nigella and Paula. Oh, how I want to go to The Lady & Sons. Some of Paula's recipes are in my repertoire. The one chick who drives me crazy though is that Sandra Dee or whatever her name is. I hate her cooking style,,, so lazy. And I try to get into that How To Boil Water guy, but sometimes he's so skittish. But I love his style of explanation...
Well, I think I'm late to the party on this one, but I am so glad y'all have mentioned how Giada is a speck of a girl. I mean really, she needs to eat a meatball sandwich.
I watch the Food Channel like some people watch porn. I am completely engrossed, I sometimes salivate and I have fantasies of making the same kind of fun.
Thumbs up on Nigella and Paula. Oh, how I want to go to The Lady & Sons. Some of Paula's recipes are in my repertoire. The one chick who drives me crazy though is that Sandra Dee or whatever her name is. I hate her cooking style,,, so lazy. And I try to get into that How To Boil Water guy, but sometimes he's so skittish. But I love his style of explanation...
"I watch the Food Channel like some people watch porn." Uh, do you cook along while you watch? If so, maybe I don't want to taste your cooking. :)
Funny that you mention Sandra Lee, as I was considering making her a Crush. I think it's her boobs that captivate me.
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