The Cleansing has moved into Phase 3 (no white flour or sugar) and it's going rather well, but this time of year brings my Kryptonite: pumpkin flavored foods and beverages. For instance, this week I had a pumpkin ale (and it wasn't a light beer). There are several varities of pumpkin beers in the store and I want to try them all. And I will.
Also, last night I bought some International Delight Pumpkin Pie Spice coffee creamer. Life is just too short deprive yourself of that. And since I don't drink coffee during the week, my weekend treat is that more special. Last Christmas's Starbucks gift card has remained unused solely because their seasonal pumpkin coffee hasn't been on their menu. But it's only a matter of days.
Luckily, I don't think pumpkin spice donuts, ice cream, or pies have made it into the stores just yet.
Oh, but the Pumpkin Spice Muffins are back at Duncan Donuts..and those are yummy.
why, coincidentally, i just happened to stop by a starbucks today.
repent micah, for the season is upon you.
what did you do for phase two? did you atkinsin?
mags - No too many Dunkin' Donuts 'round here. This is Krispy Kreme kountry. Even still, I haven't ventured there in many moons, despite the fact that I have a voucher for a dozen donuts (co-worker was selling them as a fundraiser for her kid's school).
jasdye - Yes, I checked Starbucks' site after reading you comment and it appears that the pumpkin spice coffee season is upon us. YES! I find Starbucks to be terribly overpriced EXCEPT for this particular coffee. Liquid heroin, I tells ya.
And yes, Phase Two was a hardcore, two-month long induction stage of Atkins. It sucked, but worked. I don't have an exact figure, as I didn't weigh myself until I was a week into it, but I think I lost about 15 or so pounds then. Now it is more of a gradual loss/maintain thing.
I think we had a Dunkin' Donuts back in the 90s on Staples Mill. I doubt it's there anymore though.
Well, the one that was in CH in the 90's is now a check cashing place.
well, congrats on the weight loss, micah.
all of the Checkers around here have turned in title loans places. i guess i never figured that the south was overrun by krispy kremes since dd doesn't really do doughnuts so much as coffee nowadays. sweet, delicious coffee.
Well done. I, too, maintain strict discipline...I only drink coffee when I'm awake (i.e. I've stopped setting up an IV drip infusion when I go to bed...for some reason, I couldn't sleep).
I swear to God, if someone doesn't open a Dunkin Donuts in East Lansing soon, I'm gonna lose all faith in humanity.
lansing? that's not even that close to the South. but it is rather close to canada and that's a whole Horton Hears a Who different monopoly there.
For your information, there IS Dunkin DOnuts in Michigan, including 2 in the Lansing area...but not convenient enough!
Well our old Bojangle's is now a Triangle Rent-A-Car.
I'd like seasoned fries, sweet tea, oh and that Grand Marquis special.
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