Now, she honestly didn't know that it is intended for illicit substances*, but you'd think certain aspects of the pipe would tip her off to its purpose, namely the Rastafarian and the spliff hanging from his mouth. She wanted me to destroy it after I told her what it was, but I'm going to hang onto it. Anyway, we had a good laugh, but Mom was pretty embarrassed. The next time she goes away on vacation I hope she brings me back a mirror to cut cocaine on.
*Apparently, the guy who sold it to her maintained that it wasn't for marijuana. Then he tried to sell her a glass pipe, too.
Just a little binger, to brighten your day.
Dude snagged our 'bee.
hey, congrats on blogging on a daily basis now.
of course, now with your new hobby...
I'm going to be eating sooooo many bags of Cheetos now!
I've been making a conscious effort to get at least one post up a day (excluding weekends). Today I had to dip into my early archives to find a link and boy have I gotten lazy. I actually wrote blog posts rather than throw up a YouTube video and toss off a one-liner.
I'll have you know that I read this at work today and coffee almost came out of my nose.
Aren't I one sexy bitch? ;)
Mission accomplished. :)
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