Friday, January 14, 2005

24 Hour Party People

After watching 24 for the first time last week, I've got to say that I am hooked on this show. I really want to get caught up on the previous seasons before the current one gets too far along, just in case they throw in a storyline that requires knowledge of the show's past.

My grandiose plan was to knock out all of season one of 24 over the next couple of days - a social butterly I am not, at least not for this weekend. This marathon viewing was all going to be chronicled on the blog (boy, am I a dork). I went to Blockbuster to rent the six DVDs and every one was in stock except for the second one. So, that put a kink in my plans and I just got the first volume to watch tonight. Sure, I could've gone to Hollywood Video to look for the second disc, but I've amassed a lot of credit at BB from trading in a bunch of DVDs and video games a while back. Hopefully, disc 2 will be back in stock when I return disc 1 tomorrow. Or maybe I'll get too wrapped up in this series, decide to screw BB, and head over to HV.

(BTW, aside from being a Happy Mondays song, the title of this post is also a movie every music geek should watch.)

EDIT: 10:01 PM - Just finished the first disc. I could definitely go for another episode or two. I'll be returning this baby in the morning and hunting down the rest.

EDIT: 11:41 AM - Thanks to a friend of a friend (see comments), I'm borrowing the entire first season set. The marathon shall continue...


spydrz said...

Hollywood does not seem to stock 24...

Micah said...

Does HV stock any TV DVDs? I remember going in there last year to rent season one of Penn & Teller's Bullshit and they didn't carry it. Now, that's a relatively obscure title, so I didn't quite expect them to stock it. But no 24? That's a pretty popular show and I'm sure that I'm not the only one that needs some catching up on prior seasons.

spydrz said...

I don't think they do. Poor planning on their part!

Kristen said...

I think the HV just southwest of Hudson and High has 24.

I know they stock other TV DVD's (the Sopranos and I've seen Sex and the City there.) While you're at it get Arrested Development if you haven't seen it! It's the most clever, intelligent funny shows on tv, in my opinion.

Micah said...

I absolutely love Arrested Development. Bought the DVD set when it came out and have watched each episode multiple times. I even turned my mom onto it and now she's a huge fan. Definitely one of the best shows ever to be broadcast.

And thanks for HV tip. If my search around Worthington becomes fruitless, I may just venture down there.

Critical Darling said...

Six Feet Under is so much better.

spydrz said...

You're making me want to watch those episodes again...and with my full schedule!! Shame!

Micah said...

Full schedule? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Steve Clancy said...

24 is an awesome show and I do recommend that you watch the other seasons, but they aren't required viewing for this season. Typically when they reintroduce characters or storylines from previous seasons the telegraph it pretty well. For example, typically some staffer is concerned whenever somebody in Jack's personal history returns and explains why. Anyway, glad to hear there's another fan out there.

spydrz said...

Micah, at some point this week I'll have to go get the car washed. I hope I have time.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen 24 in ages but I am a Lost freak. :)


Anonymous said...

24 rocks!!!! The best show in a long, long time.

The first season is the best. You will love it.

Micah said...

Kate - I've never seen Lost. I know lots of people like it, I just haven't given it a chance. I watch too much TV as it is!

downtown lad - I LOVED the first season of 24. Just finished a few hours ago.