Sunday, August 21, 2005

Back, beat, and down a lot of cash

I got in from Vegas and am happy to say that Micah-palooza was quite a success. Thanks to all of my friends (old and new) who showed their love. I'm pretty tired now, having slept only an hour last night. There'll be a trip recap and maybe a picture or two tomorrow.

EDIT: Okay, so I didn't get to a Vegas update yesterday. I went to see Red Eye and then look at puppies. But I'll do it tonight.


Anonymous said...

One comment will cost you $20. For $100, I'll write three comments. For $200, I'll grind on my monitor for half an hour.

Micah said...

Oh, man. That's hilarious! And too true. I often wonder how much more money I'd have if I was attractive enough to not have to have to pay for women to grind on me. Glad you discovered the ol' blog and don't be a stranger.

The pics will hopefully be up on Imagestation tonight. There'll also be the world premiere of the new cast of "Mama Mia."

spydrz said...

Mamma Mia!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, dammit!! We forgot to see Mamma Mia!!

Anonymous said...

P.S.--Thanks for noting that I'm a helluva dancer, and for selecting me to be Sammy.

Kate The Great said...

It was swell we all could meet up for dinner. My girls and I decided we're making it an annual trip... Next time though, we want to be the girls who get to dance behind the screens at Shadow.

Micah said...

Dubin - I thought you were a natural choice for that role. After all, you dance a mean soft shoe.

KtG - It's been a yearly trip for me (actually, more frequently than that). As for being shadow dancers, that is a noble goal and one you ladies should pursue with much vigor.