Monday, May 09, 2005

The three most wonderful words in the English language

No, not "full frontal nudity." Surf and turf! This was dinner last night.

Old Bay tastes great on anything

A filet mignon and a few skewers of shrimp. Only the addition of full frontal nudity could make life better.


spydrz said...

That's a lot-o-shellfish!

Micah said...

Good thing I don't keep kosher!

(I don't know why I would, since I'm not Jewish)

Kate The Great said...

Oh, you're such a tease.

Micah said...

KtG - Mu-ha-ha!

Kate - You're right. And then they market the chips as "crab flavored."

Kristen said...

Mmmm, Old Bay.

Micah said...

My brother pretty much puts Old Bay in everything. His steaks are great. His pudding - not so much.

Micah said...

Jon - Thanks for stopping by.

Kate - Crab, Old Bay flavored, whatever. I've had them and they are good. And I think that pretty much anything could improve the taste of Spam, at least somewhat.

Panthergirl said...

So, where's the full frontal? Or were you worried about adding a third food group to the shot?

Micah said...

No full frontal nudity next to the grill. It may plump when you cook it, but that's a burning sensation that I don't want.