The award for funniest TV moment* of last week would be Stephen Colbert's early '80s synthpop stalker song "Charlene (I'm Right Behind You)" from the "The Colbert Report". The dance moves, the eyeliner, the music...hilarious! And it's quite catchy.
I have a Quicktime movie of it that I'll post (via Rapidshare) if there's any interest.
While we're on the subject of Colbert - and considering tomorrow's holiday - check out "Stephen's Laws of Love". Funny stuff - especially for all of you Filliam H. Muffman watchers.
Per THSE's request (him being the only person who seems to download whatever I put up), here is the movie file. Enjoy it.
*Non-"The Office"/"Scrubs"/"Arrested Development" category
Tomorrow is Presidents Day?
No, but that's what I'll be celebrating.
I have interest. gimme. gimme.
Done. I put the link up at the end of the original post.
I just refuse to install Quicktime. I hate programs that I use infrequently but *must* always be active and running in the system tray.
Understood. But your loss.
I'm sure it'll surface in a streaming format somewhere.
Yeah, he's got the '80s pop music video cliches down. It's even funnier if you know what he looks like now.
This is hilarious they have this and all his other stuff out on the motherload part of comedy centrals site. I love it when he sings to that band at the DNC in 2004 back on the daily show.
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