Lohan with media whore Nicole Richie
These images are a stark contrast to the fine-looking Lindsay of old (ah, 2004) that I saw in the trailer for the upcoming Herbie movie today.

Am I too late for the Early Bird Special?
Seriously, she looks like she belongs in a bingo hall in Boca Raton.
I saw some video from the same spot that first pic was taken. It made me think one thing: Is Lara Flynn Boyle teaching classes? LL is just about as bony ass thin as LFB, her face with those familiar, gaunt hollows. And yes, the chest. I'm biased, to be sure, but c'mon give the girl a sandwich.
It is a sad, sad day. That's just wrong.
KtG - Seriously. The chick needs to stop hanging out with the socialites/C-list celebs and lay off the coke.
spydrz - It's quite a shame. Especially when what mader her famous (schnoobs) is gone. I'm sure this'll kill a good chunk of her fanbase - me, included (hey, I loved Mean Girls).
yikes! Too skiny
Don't show this to "our friend with the Company." He'll be crushed...
ugh, she looks terrible. honestly, who prefers this Lindsay to hot Lindsay from Mean Girls? man, that's just messed up.
Came by your comment on Dog's B. Had to click on the Linus pic.
Is Lohan's music any good?? I bet the girl I used to work for is doing coke with her! (my story today explains it)
ashar edith - Yeah, there's healthy and then there's skinny. Who finds this appealing?
spydrz - I think everyone is crushed.
phin samuels - I saw that trailer, too, and she does look pretty fine there.
michelle - Quite messed up. Partying with Paris Hilton will do that to you.
mrsmogul - Thanks for coming by! You know, I've heard that one single she put out maybe once and I wasn't impressed. The video, on the other hand...
This is an american tragedy of the highest order. Worst of all, I am powerless to do anything but cry and masturbate (simultaneously) to her "Rumours" music video.
heartbreak - I do that anyway...
(thanks for stopping by, Reg)
what happen to lindsay? she was beautiful before. she's on drugs
And we wonder why young women have serious eating disorders? Hm....if only everyone could look that "perfect." Gross!
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