It's finally here - Oscar Night (or as former Kid in the Hall Scott Thompson refers to it, "The Gay Superbowl"). It's time to find out what politically-charged films shunned by the general moviegoing public will take home the top honors. I predict that this will be the big winner:

Occasional MW commenter Shamrock and "friend"
To help you pass the time while you watch the red carpet arrivals, here are some goodies:
-a streaming video for one of my favorite singer-songwriter's cute lil' song "Gay Cowboy" (there was an mp3 of the song available at his site, but I can't find it now; let me know if you want it.)
-Actor and ghetto pass holder Michael Rapaport's hip-hop song "How To Rob An Actor" he made with the High & Mighty (Rapidshare link).
To answer everyone's question as to who I'm wearing, it's Adidas, Simple, and J.Crew.
Last year's chat was so much fun, it'll be hard to replicate. But we can try. So let the predictions, trash talk, and cattiness begin. We'll all be hetero in the morning.
Your gentleman caller wasn't wearing a cowboy hat, so...
Good idea on the word verification.
I'm heading to my aunt and uncle's now and then will be eating, so it'll be a while before I next chime in. But I'll be sure to catch up.
Yay! No comment verification. Good call, CB.
I'll be enjoying the DOG marathon on A&E since we all know what movie will be picked to win everything.
By the way, I'm pretty sure it's spelled "gigolo."
While we're waiting, there are multiple reruns of "24" on. I've developed a new drinking game based on that show. Every time the word "protocol" is used, drink.
Welcome to the Philthydelphia contingent!
LL Bean, Nordstrom Jeans, socks. Sammy "Black Lager."
Will the bus jump UP?
As long as Kim Bauer's involved, count me in.
Hey, bitches. I'm in.
KPMD, so nice to see your return. Don't be a stranger around here on March 6.
There's only one word to describe my emotions right now: giddy.
Think we'll hit 250 comments tonight?
I'm calling it: Steve Martin and Dave Lettermen will be the highlight.
My prediction: Steve Martin wigs are the Next Big Thing
law fairy - great to have you here.
Yeah, the opening was great. Monologue...not so much.
But you have to admit, the thing about them actually voting for a winner -- that was pretty funny
law fairy - WHO ARE YOU WEARING?!
CB - Or, as they say in South Park, "butt buddies".
Micah, I'm dazzling the crowd in my Hana Sport yoga pants and a tshirt hell tank top. I even showered!!
These clips are getting me hot 'n' bothered.
Best. Cowboy montage. Ever.
They haven't given out any awards yet?
No blood for oil!
I want to brace y'all: I've heard that there will be two production numbers tonight. Ugh.
The Da Vinci Code is in the can (I think). Lose the hair, Tom (unless you're doing reshoots). He looked like that at the Grammys, too.
Production numbers? So glad I'm not tuning in.
Can Ben Stiller present every award? I just like the way he reads off the nominees
I think I'm one for two, but I have to double check
Yeah, I'm 1 for 3. I figured that the Academy may feel sorry for passing over Paul G. for the past few years. Guess not.
OK, better late than never (me)... I'm with the Law Fairy... best cowboy montage ever indeed. Hilarious.
I'm 2 for 3...
OK, could the Wallace and Gromit guys BE ANY NERDIER?????
er, 1 for 3. Not paying attention, but now I have my Oscar omelette ready for eatin'
I didn't wrongly claim the throne. You can thank Yahoo! for that.
Okay, I'll be the bitchy one who says it...
I get that (shudder) a country song was nominated for best song, but this is still the Oscars, NOT the CMA. Dolly, wear a freakin' DRESS!
I forgot about my King Kong pick. Woo-hoo!
panthergirl - It's subtle British humour. Be glad they weren't in dresses running around to "Yakety Sax".
I don't care if she's 60, I still think I'd have sexual relations with Dolly.
yeah, 2 for 4 baby!
Jon Stewart's hosting? Yet another reason I'm glad that there's a DOG marathon on.
I believe past years' Yahoo pools were weighted. This stupid EW one doesn't even have tie-breakers. I have a feeling that's going to make things difficult.
Oh, yeah: panthergirl, WHO ARE YOU WEARING?!
I heart Will Ferrell and Steve Carell
Yeah, Will and Steve rule.
I'm going to see Oscar winner King Kong on Tuesday ($.50 day at the dollar theater). That's $.166666666666 of entertainment per hour.
I prefer Rachael as a brunette, but I'd still "do" her (as the kids say).
I'd do Rachel Weisz
Micah, I'm wearing VICTORIA'S SECRET, pajama collection.
And right now, along with KPMD, I'm also wearing "first place". ;)
What the hell? Nobody told me there was an awards show on tonight? Does this mean there's no "Desperate Housewives"?
BTW, I'm wearing a wifebeater & boxers ensemble by Hanes.
Very bold move by McDormand to not look attractive at all.
law fairy - Me too!!!! Wow - former Crush looking all...bountiful (and preggers).
What, men can't enjoy the new Tab? Is it pH balanced or something.
THSE - Three words: Skinemax on Demand.
I hope when I'm whatever age Lauren Bacall is I look as good as her. She may be old, but DAMN is she classy. And could also use a teleprompter with bigger print.
Oh boy.... Lauren Bacall is really struggling... shoot me before I get that old, ok?
Wow I really like this gay detective montage...
Then gay Havery Firestein movies.
They should do all nominee spots like political commercials
Those were great... loved the Reese one.
We'd call you "stupid wop dago".
Ah, Kiera. If only one could put her beautiful head on a woman's body...
Dude, get a room.
I can hear Shamrock right now: "Damn Pengoons!"
Micah, you didn't see Brokeback?!
KPMD and Panther -- dammit, stop getting them all right!! I feel like I'm sooo close...
No, I haven't seen Brokeback. I'll catch it on cable...late night.
Hey, it's Samuel Jackson, star of the upcoming Snakes on a Plane (I wish I was kidding).
That MUSIC!!! OMG... could it be an louder???
Micah... seriously, you should see Brokeback in the theater. It is just gorgeous.
We get it. Watch movies in the theater. Okay, moving on...
I'll probably catch it when it gets to the dollar theater. That's not a slam on the movie (I REALLY want to see Narnia, but am waiting on that one, too).
Mickey Rooney is still alive?!
Is it just me or did the orchestra just hold out the first note of the Star Wars theme and then let us down?
Mindy - Tonight is the night the stars come out to shine. Deal with it.
Only us nerds, law fairy. Only us nerds...
Dude, whatever. Nerds rule.
Is it over yet?
Why didn't anybody tell me that I left out Scott Thompson's name in the original post?
Why wasn't the 40 Year Old Virgin nominated for Best Original Score? Pfffffft
OK, I am happy to have lost this one.... I loved the music for Brokeback.
Dude, John Williams didn't win?? JOHN WILLIAMS DIDN'T WIN???
Mindy: you're just jealous that Micah's been online chatting with hot babes all day
...and my respect for Mindy is knocked down a peg or five.
Hey, bitches: if you haven't seen Capote, hop to it. Great flick.
John Williams already has 30 (I think) Oscars already. Give one to the auslander.
CB - Don't make me post your pictures. You know the ones I'm talking about.
Napoleon was funny...some might say it was Dy-no-mite!
good point, CB -- I didn't even realize he composed for Geisha when I voted for Munich. Dammit!
In all seriousness, 40 Year Old Virgin really should have been nominated for at least screenplay. The Academy's disrespect for comedies is terrible.
(Jedi Mind Trick: patrons aren't rude, tickets and food aren't overpriced, floors aren't sticky, pre-movie advertisements don't last for 45 minutes, the general quality of movies hasn't been declining for years now...)
Dude, I hear she's in the new Playboy.
Micah, SERIOUSLY -- 40YOV was AWESOME. Where's the love for comedies? I've heard it's much harder to do comedy than drama, and I believe it.
Kudos to Stewart for making fun of the mantage obsession
She's suing them about that Playboy thing -- fyi, she's not naked in the mag, lest you guys buy it to great disappointment
I have a subscription. I know. :(
If Stewart had some balls, he would've made a joke about that. Chris Rock would have.
You're right. You shouldn't be.
I think the only Altman movie I've seen is The Player. And I don't even remember it.
I guess now is a good time for a quick catnap. Or a snack break.
YES! I picked Altman for the Honorary Oscar in the pool!
I own a copy of the book M*A*S*H*, if that counts.
You're at the Oscars, hippy. Wear a tie.
Signs wasn't bad. Now, The Village - that sucked.
The Oscars are crunk!
They slipped in a "shit" and a half-F-bomb.
Yay Oscars!
I bet my mom would like this song
Awwwwww yeah, tied for first baby!!!
Uh, what?
And with that Oscar, I pull into the second place tie.
Can Steven Colbert present next year? Seriously. He's cracking me up and I can't even see him.
Jennifer Garner's love child is going to be one fine looking bastard.
Mindy - Fun Fact: Spielberg's Munich grossed more than the other four Best Picture nominees combined.
I must say that Colbert's show has gotten tons better since it first aired. Classic stuff.
Now go out and buy the "Strangers With Candy" DVDs and see his true genius.
By round of applause, who is the most popular dead person?
I think it was "Buzz" Knudson.
Okay, people, fess up: who consulted EW when making their picks? (obviously not CB)
I thought Richard Pryor won
TAB Energy? Why didn't they just call it "Pink Bull"?
Not me. I relied on my knowledge of the "buzz," plucked up from sources all over. I don't think I even read EW. Ha!
Um. If I had time I would've seen all the movies... ?
If they don't add the Dunkin' Donuts guy to next year's montage, the Academy's lost all of its credibility.
law fairy - You live in freakin' LA. You take all of this shit in by osmosis.
Ah shit.... I hate sharing first place.
True, Micah
I've always dreamed of being in a 4-way with a bunch of hot chicks. Right now I am.
Let me savor this.
Yikes. Neck and neck and neck and neck
CD - All are welcome. Do I know you?
I meant tuning in, not turning in...I will NEVER turn into such a dorkfest, even after 3 years of law school. the c.d. name is for another blog, for those of you wondering who the heck this is.
know me? and how ;)
Still not ringing a bell.
YES!!!! Hoffman rocked in that movie (even without a cowboy hat).
damn... this is gonna be a tough tie to break...
KPMD - Sounds like the beginning of a joke. Do they walk into a bar?
Is that Amanda Panda?
I've always been a late bloomer, but bloom I shall. who's cpt got-flames-for-the-rear. yes, i am drinking. Micah, you'll be happy to know you can be googled.
micah, if you don't know me by now...
so who's winning?
yes, so proud to have so lowered myself...but alas, when all my other friends have to wake up for their jobs tomorrow and so aren't on line...and I reiterate..I've been drinking
There's a 4 way tie: me, KPMD, law fairy, and panthergirl.
A quick perusal makes it seem like it's going to come down to the screenplay awards to shake things up.
Isn't the correct term "tromboner"?
Hee hee.
Shouldn't the guy named "Phister" have worked on Brokeback?
I may have lost my lead on this one...
hey, isn't there a "m" missing from kpmd's name...backfire (does that mean you have really bad gas) as first poster and therefore biggest loser, you are not entitled to such privileged info as my current another flick I haven't heard of
I'd even "do" a white trash Charliz Theron.
Is there overtime for ties, or does that mean you have to buy more than one dvd from the $5.50 bin?
I'd "do" Reese, too.
I'm trying to think of what a tie-breaker would be. Why couldn't Yahoo do the pool again this year? Why, God? WHY?
I'd do her too if only she'd shut up
That's what I want to hear, Mindy. HIT THAT!
backfire, no one was doubting your willingness to do the brokeback dudes...i guess together you'd form a love union the speak it's name as brokebackfire
I happen to like Reese's accent. Of course, I have a thing for southern belles.
And latinas.
And strippers.
Good night and good luck, KPMD.
Good luck and good night, Mindy.
hmm...mindy and kpmd leaving together...HOT.
what kind of blogger name is micah anyway...btw I have a recently single-again roommate in need of some lovin'
Especially when combined.
Uma...not hot.
Um. Uma? Enough with the raccoon eyes, please
so, is there loserfest for the bigdance too? and do kpmd and mindy forfeit their interest if they don't stick it out for the entire night?
And then there were two. Me and KPMD.
Assuming everyone picked Brokeback for director and picture, that's it.
Yep.... I'm out of it now. :(
I don't think everyone has the fortitude to do this for March Madness.
Or by "big dance" did you mean CPAC?
apparently Micah needs to tell them what it's really like to be black
micah, you underestimate our patheticness...and alas CPAC was last month..maybe next year
panthergirl - I'm gonna go out on a limb and say your big mistake was picking "The Deat Of Kevin Carter: Casualty Of The Bang Bang Club". What the hell were you thinking?!
backasswardfire, shut your mouth
bummer. So close...
Uma. Ang. Ang. Uma.
law fairy - It's because you picked "God Sleeps in Rwanda". WTF?
Please tell me that that was not actually english and i'm not that drunk
He makes me want to be a better man.
lol -- dammit!!
yeah, audience that was funny
250 what
Wait -- what the!!
so what leftist agenda did crash promote?
I've actually seen the Best Picture...and thought it sucked.
was this a surfer movie?
I liked Crash but Brokeback was way better.
Once again, race wins over gender...
sexist bastards...does this mean I can go back to my otherwise oh so exciting life?
Micah.... Bang Bang was a total guess.
The ones I really lost it on were Squid and, of course, Brokeback for Best Movie.
Ah well.... it was good while it lasted (like all fucking NIGHT!) Thanks for the good time! ;)
much like any other day cpt
I say pudding wrestling to break the tie
I wouldn't say Crash sucked, but I thought it was pretty forgettable. Brokeback, on the other hand...stayed with me for days. I don't have a desire to see a lot of movies several times, but I can't wait to see that again. SO wonderful.
OK... congrats Micah and KPMD... PG, OUT!
apparently, once you go gay, you can't go back, eh PG
y' can't let me have the last word
Crash was just too heavy-handed.
Thanks, everyone. This was a blast.
Wow...some of us had to go to work this morning. Glad to add to the longest post ever.
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